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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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Child Guidance Specialist

Guidance Office

At the Valley, I provide the following services: individual and small group counseling, classroom guidance lessons quarterly, crisis intervention, referrals for community services, 504 chair, testing coordinator and anything the principal deems appropriate. Children can come by my office anytime. I keep Post It notes outside my door in case I'm out and they want to leave me a message. They can also be recommended by their teacher. I help students learn anger management skills, ready to learn skills, how to get along with others, etc. I'm happy to be at the Valley and serve our students in order to facilitate their learning environment.

I have been Cardinal Valley's child guidance specialist (school counselor) since 2008. Previously, I taught third and fourth grade here. I have a master's degree and Rank 1 in Counseling from Morehead State University and a bachelor's degree from the University of Pikeville. I have over 20 years of educational experience in the private and public school setting. I also have two daughters and a son who keep me busy outside of school.